Friday, November 2, 2012

Donation Deadline Extension!

Wow! Since my last blog entry our total raised has climbed to $1,417! This is FANTASTIC folks.  I never thought we could get this far, and seeing that we're SO close to where we want to be, I've extended the donation deadline through this weekend.

That's right, you have until Monday, November 5th to get your donation in!  I know a few people have expressed interest and the desire to donate, but have not yet been able.  To those lovely friends, here's your chance!

Remember, I'll be rounding up some excellent students to write personal thank you letters to each and every person who donated.  I'm also toying with the idea of including a photo or two with each letter so you have some small thank you from all of us here.  Let's say, it's going to be a surprise, and one that's coming your way right around Christmas/ Chanukah time.  There will also be another video or two made before this thing is all said and done, so keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Since we started this entry talking about donations, let's end full-circle.  We are less than $600 away from our dream budget, but the better news is that we're less than $200 away from our "bare-minimun" budget.  I am sure that we can get $200 more over the next three days- what do you think?

All of the Primary School books, stored in the back until our new shelves arrive!

Taking a break (from lugging around dirty, heavy books) with my favorite Kindergarteners. 

Sorry for the low photo quality.  Sometimes the connectivity out here dictates what I do.  Wait, did I say "sometimes?" I mean ALL the time.  

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